Energy-efficient project Central Park 98 (Houten Schoen)

With Central Park 98 Intrabouw, project developer from the region Waasland, has again reached their goal to realise attractive energy-efficient  new buildings. These park residencies, nicknamed Houten Schoen, with 31 luxurious appartments, was completely integrated in the environment of green pastures, a magnificent lake, and a nature reserve.

Stefaan Maes (Intrabouw) observes: « Also with this project and its modern design architecture, we go beyond the current insulation and energy laws. These are BEN (almost energy neutral) apartments with an E-level of 28. »

Also the selection of the smart living techniques of IPBuilding contribute to these energy-efficient apartments.

Jo Coenen (IPBuilding): «The controlled heating, weather dependent sunscreens and the extended home automation also achieve that the BEN level is surpassed. Naturally, this modern concept is also foreseen with door communication, video surveillance and access control.»

All these smart techniques and devices are collected within one user-friendly, open IP platform. Upon request, every inhabitant can manage the lighting, sunscreens, heating, access through the touch screen or via the app on smart phone or tablet. The building manager can also monitor all techniques and/or make any required adjustments. The result is more comfort, ease of use and safety within reach for everyone.

Are you interested to equip your residential building project and make it a  future proof, full-fledged smart building concept? Contact us via: +32 (09) 279 89 69 or

IPBuilding introduces its Smart Living portfolio

IPBuilding is specialised in the development of applications for Smart Homes & Apartments, Smart workspaces en Smart Care. IPBuilding has over 10 years experience in the research, development and production of the hardware and associated software (based on the IP-protocol) for fitting homes and buildings with intelligent systems.

In the meantime, this experience resulted in over 1500 delivered smart home-, smart living- and smart care projects. Through this IPBuilding proves it is a reliable partner to assist project developers, contractors and installers with equipping smart building.

IPBuilding collected a number of references from the domain of smart living (future-proof apartments) in a comprehensive document. The end result is an attractive overview of about 1000 smart apartments equipped with the IPBuilding technology.

Are you also interested in our projects? Feel free to make an appointment with one of our smart building specialists through or through +32 (09) 279 89 69.

More security thanks to an intelligent housing automation

Did you invest in elegant and charming garden lighting, but struggle a few times a year with the correct settings? Daytime is getting longer or shorter and the lighting does not adapt accordingly? Or were your lights switched on in the evening even if it was still light, just after the switch of the daylight saving time? … This could harm your safety and attract the attention of burglars.

Extra security

Experts all agree, we are rapidly evolving to an automated living environment in which appliances and systems can communicate with each other. On top of the exterior front wall lighting, our contemporary homes are increasingly illuminated next to the drive way, in the garden, patio or at the gates. This does not only enhance the right ambiance, look and feel but also provides you with extra comfort upon arriving or leaving your home in the dark. In addition, it contributes to your security and could protect you from a possible burglary.

Inferior lighting settings could lead to higher energy costs, and could also give the impression that the inhabitant is not at home or absent for a longer period. Next to lighting we encounter more and more installations of camera’s, movement sensors and automated fences around the house. All these functionalities and appliances can be installed, consulted and managed separately. Generally this is rather complex, and comprises a security risk – hacking of your security cameras comes to mind – and often an inhabitant is hardly able to modify the system himself.

Kris Pensaert (Managing Partner IPBuilding): “Via a user-friendly platform the owner can determine when to illuminate the exterior lighting at night time. This is no longer depending on the actual time, but on the remaining sunlight. This is comparable to the automated illumination in a car when the dusk sets in. This allows for a constantly perfect performance of all  functionalities, even when you are on holiday or when daylight saving time changes.”

If you integrate such functions and appliances in a modern smart home, you can enjoy all these advantages. IPBuilding is an innovative Belgian company specialized in the research and development of technology for Smart Homes, Smart Buildings and Smart Care. IPBuilding enables all functionalities to communicate with each other. For instance, the meteorological station on the roof can communicate with the sun screens (all up if too much wind, screens at the south side go down if too much sunshine during summer …), and can equally exchange information with the lighting.

The platform (IPBGeneral) is based on the Internet Protocol (IP), the world-wide norm for sound, video and data transfer. This provides the owners of an IPBuilding Smart Home with a living environment that is future-proof. It allows them to manage athmospheres and scripts  (for example: all-off, holiday regulation, off to work,…) and all functionalities (lighting, heating, screens, video surveillance, sensors, ventilation…) can be controlled remotely and/or from their residence. In brief, the ideal solution that provides the inhabitant with more comfort, security and a solid saving on energy!

AVS broadcasts project Wings (Fenixco)

Projectontwikkelaar Fenixco developed 2 buildings with environmental respect, that were constructed according to the existing building of the Poolse-Wing avenue in Sint-Denijs-Westrem. The building on the left has 16 apartments and 2 penthouses. The other consists of 8 apartments and 1 penthouse.

Together with Fenixco, IPBuilding made a smart living model apartment at the ground floor. Techniques and functionalities are fully linked in this apartment. Atmospheres, scenarios, screens, lighting, heating and multi-room audio are seamlessly integrated via 1 touch screen. It is also very easy to manage these functions via a tablet and/or smartphone.

Additionally IPBuilding also conceivd an apartment that can comply with the future occupant’s needs and desires on a technological level. This smart living apartment evolves  into a real smart assisted living environment with the innovative ICECALL-system.

On 28th August, the East-Flemish regional TV channel AVS will broadcast a new episode of its series ‘zomergrillen’ (summer quirks). In this part they highlight a visit to the residence Wings and you can get to know Fenixco and IPBuilding.

Would you like a discretionary visit to this model apartment? Just contact us via or via 09 279 89 69.

Smart Second Homes. Manage a second home smartly, locally and remotely

The purchase of a second home remains attractive for many Belgians. Primarily to enjoy it themselves during a good part of the year, perhaps also to rent it out, and eventually occupy it permanently. Smart Living technology has found its way to second homes and offers a substantial surplus.  Because second homes are usually not occupied permanently, local and remote management of your second home, such as managing heating, ventilation, security, energy reduction and access control, is an absolute must.


Owners of a second home are looking for comfort. A second home should therefore also provide carefree living, or a getaway from hectic life. If, for example, you arrive at your apartment at the Belgian seaside, you would of course like to immediately start your (long) weekend without having to waste time to ready the apartment. In a smart living concept you can remotely set the apartment ‘active’. Sunscreens, ventilation, heating, lighting and even multimedia can be activated in advance to obtain a fitting ‘welcome sphere’. Upon arrival, all techniques can also be managed via your own smartphone, tablet or via the touchscreen installed at the apartment.

All of this is realized by IPBuilding, an innovative Flemish entrepreneur for Smart Living technology. IPBuilding produced a user-friendly IP based platform in which all techniques and devices are combined and allow easy exchange of information.

Jo Coenen (IPBuilding): “Smart living technology is a real surplus for second homes. To be able to manage all techniques locally and remotely is indispensable. By opting for the internet protocol (IP) as a project developer, you also succeed in making future proof apartments.”


Security is crucial for temporary housing. Through a combination of window contacts, badge readers, intelligent smoke detectors and an innovative integrated access control system, IPBuilding offers solid follow up of inhabitants, renters and cleaning staff / suppliers.  Video surveillance can also be part of this mix. With push-notifications the apartment could also keep you informed, whether you are the owner or the building manager.


Forgot your keys? No problem, with the IPBuilding solution the owner of the apartment can give access and open the door(s) remotely. A cleaning service that is planned on each Thursday morning for a few hours? Likewise, they can enter the apartment with a unique badge, programmed to only access during that time. This gives the owners and/or managers a perfect overview of who enters and leaves the second home.
The smart building technology of IPBuilding can be extended with an ICECALL-emergency call system. This system can supply an emergency call button in the bathroom, on the touchscreen and via a wrist/neck transmitter . This can be linked to a care service, a care center in the area, a professional or informal health care provider or a family member. IPBuilding provides you with a real life-long housing apartment. Owners can keep on enjoying their second home during the autumn of their life, in which they might be living permanently at this time.

Would you like to create a smart second home?

To benefit from the unlimited possibilities of the Internet Protocol (IP), modern (UTP)  cabling is crucial. Our specialists gladly assist you during the concept phase with the project developer and/or client. Contact us via : or +32 (0)9 279 89 69.