AVS broadcasts project Wings (Fenixco)

Projectontwikkelaar Fenixco developed 2 buildings with environmental respect, that were constructed according to the existing building of the Poolse-Wing avenue in Sint-Denijs-Westrem. The building on the left has 16 apartments and 2 penthouses. The other consists of 8 apartments and 1 penthouse.

Together with Fenixco, IPBuilding made a smart living model apartment at the ground floor. Techniques and functionalities are fully linked in this apartment. Atmospheres, scenarios, screens, lighting, heating and multi-room audio are seamlessly integrated via 1 touch screen. It is also very easy to manage these functions via a tablet and/or smartphone.

Additionally IPBuilding also conceivd an apartment that can comply with the future occupant’s needs and desires on a technological level. This smart living apartment evolves  into a real smart assisted living environment with the innovative ICECALL-system.

On 28th August, the East-Flemish regional TV channel AVS will broadcast a new episode of its series ‘zomergrillen’ (summer quirks). In this part they highlight a visit to the residence Wings and you can get to know Fenixco and IPBuilding.

Would you like a discretionary visit to this model apartment? Just contact us via sales@ipbuilding.com or via 09 279 89 69.

IPBuilding at the ISE Smart Building Conference

On Monday 5 February, IPBuilding was invited by the Conference Organisers of the ISE Smart Building Conference in Amsterdam. The Conference precedes the expo Integrated Systems Europe 2018. This fair brings together more than 1,200 exhibitors and 70,000 visitors.

This year’s topic was: “From Smart Building to Smart City.” This topic was discussed by more than 30 of the world’s leading experts in the field of Smart Technology.

IPBuilding was present too. The conference organizers rightly also focused on the needs and requirements of the elderly. IPBuilding’s presentation was entitled “Convergence to Smart Assisted Living Solutions” and was about life-long housing and the role that technology can play. Following an introduction by Arthur Baanders, Michael Van Buggenhout (Care Business Development Manager at IPBuilding) expanded on this topic. IPBuilding’s Smart Assisted Living Solutions garnered a lot of attention.

The presentation ended with a brief presentation of IPBuilding’s tailor-made solutions:

Are you interested in lifelong solutions from IPBuilding? Feel free to contact us via sales@ipbuilding.com or call directly on +32 (0)9/279 89 69.